Asset 1

Piacere Mio

A cross-media planning strategy, balanced on / off line
to take advantage of complete and effective coverage.


Surgital is an Italian company producing frozen fresh pasta, frozen ready meals and frozen nugget sauces for restaurants, catering and the bar channel. He asked us to take care of the communication and media planning of "Piacere Mio!", the line of single-portion ready-made first courses and of sauces and frozen sauces dedicated to the domestic consumer.

The project

A synergic plan of national scope, declined on the offline channel by means of billboards and specific activities on the retail outlets and on the digital channel, through Google Display and Programmatic campaigns, DSP Amazon Network.


The digital activity was planned to support the initiatives planned in the stores, reaching the medium-high range of the target's contact funnel on the digital channel, with the aim of increasing brand awareness and product recognition within stores.

Specific banner declinations have been created for the creatives in the campaign, in order to have more feedback than the products that have more involved users.

Media planning on the offline side covered 17,020 plants on 81 retail outlets, with a turnout of approximately 9.8 million.

The digital coverage produced about 80 million impressions, bringing 48,459 users to the landing page, with a conversion rate increased by 45%.


+80 Mln


+ 48%

Landing Page Visits

+ 45%
